关键词:粤港合作 高等教育 制度变迁 制度创新
Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education is a historical process,and it's also a unique phenomenon of regional cooperation in higher education under the framework of“one country,two systems”.Through the analysis of the Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education in the past,this book explores different interest entities'behavior logic,and offers advices to promote deeper cooperation between Hong Kong and Guangdong.The main purpose of this book is to find out the law of the change of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education.We gather different kinds of materials by method of literature study,survey,interview and text analysis,and studies the phenomenon of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education from a perspective of the Theory of Institutional Change of New Institutional Economics.In the view of the Theory of Institutional Change,the Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education is the result of regulation construction on mutual relations among the interest entities sharing the Hong Kong-Guangdong higher education resources.Meanwhile,the creation,development and improvement of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education are seen as a series of institutional change and innovation process.
Considering external environmental demand and real institutional supply as a clue,this book divides the institutional change of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education into creation and development stages,which is from the beginning of reform and opening up policy in 1978 to the Outline of Reform and Development Plan for the Pearl River Delta at the end of 2008,with Hong Kong's return to China as a division point.We also analyze the characters of institutional change of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education from the aspects of the main body,the dynamics and the mode.During the institutional change of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education,the related individuals and universities are the essential actors,in which the behavior of the students,teachers and some leaders promote the realization of the institutional change of cooperation.With the implementation of higher education as its main function,universities and colleges play an irreplaceable role during the institutional change of Hong Kong-Guangdong Cooperation in Higher Education.In the view of their own needs of interests and behavior restriction,universities and colleges accept crossborder students from other sides,sign cooperation agreement and carry out strategic actions.As the most authoritative organization with the right to use mandatory measures,the government creates a significant impact in the process of institutional change that cannot be ignored.The institutional change process of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education is influenced by the action from central government of the People'Republic of China(PRC)to the local governments of Hong Kong and Guang-dong.With their own needs of interests and behavior restriction,the governments of different levels play various parts in their efforts of promoting the institutional creation,development and change of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education.
According to the Theory of Institutional Changes,European Union(EU)Integration in Higher Education is also one kind of institutional change and innovation of cooperation in higher education.The institutional change of cooperation in EU and Hong Kong-Guangdong are both affected by regional politics,economy and the development needs of higher education itself.However,there are differences between them,such as institutional environment,the way of institutional change and so on.The EU experiences are beneficial to Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education,for example,the institutional change of cooperation in higher education is guaranteed by complete implement mechanism,carried by specific cooperation plans,supported by sufficient funds,and it should follow the principle of interest entities participation and balance the relation between convergence and diversity.The cooperation among·2·Hong Kong,Macao and Guangdong is enhanced to the national strategic level according to the Outline of Reform and Development Plan for the Pearl River Delta issued by National Development and Reform Commission.Hong Kong and Guangdong community work actively to further promote their cooperation in higher education,which is exactly the institutional innovation process of cooperation in higher education.We point out that there is still room for institutional innovaion among the areas of academic staff exchanges,cooperation in running school and scientific research,cross-border cooperation in production,teaching and research,and various types of cooperative networks.However,there are some barriers like different state regulations and policies need to be overcome.By eliminating regulations and policies barriers,improving incentive mechanism,and reducing information search cost,the central government of PRC and the local governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong can improve the cost-benefit situations of the interest entities and promote the realization of institutional innovation of Hong Kong-Guangdong cooperation in higher education.
Key Words:HongKong-Guangdong Cooperation,Higher Education,Institutional Change,Institutional Innovation
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